James Sikkema

James graduated his studies from ACU with first class honours. He took a particular interest in chronic pain sufferers, examining the sensory changes in patients with prolonged pain. He formed Sycamore Health with the ambition to create an all-in-one allied health clinic to better serve those with diverse health needs.

Avoiding the Christmas creep – at home exercises to get you through the holidays

Our exercise physiologists are looking forward to a break but want you to be able to continue with your routine over the summer– so we’ve compiled a list of at home exercises you can do, wherever you are, whoever you’ve got staying with you and no matter how many glasses of champagne you had at the work Christmas function.

Avoiding the Christmas creep – at home exercises to get you through the holidays Read More »

Back in the swing of things: the PGA Tour on in Brisbane this month

The game of golf has the completely undeserved reputation as a low impact sport that you play in retirement. Most pro-golfers will testify to the strain the game puts on a player’s body and those of us who play socially know that playing well requires high levels of flexibility and athletic ability. Like all sport, there’s plenty of ways that you can ensure you’re performing at your best – read more here for injury prevention tips

Back in the swing of things: the PGA Tour on in Brisbane this month Read More »

How You Can Access Physiotherapy Through the NDIS

Physiotherapists are highly trained in anatomy and physiology, and they are able to help a wide range of people from all ages and of all abilities to find their version of healthy movement and function. A disability can make regular exercise more difficult, but there are often exercises that your physiotherapist can suggest that can help you to maintain functional ability, as well as helping you to manage any symptoms and build up your fitness and mobility while contributing to your overall wellbeing.

How You Can Access Physiotherapy Through the NDIS Read More »

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